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Login With Password
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Mobile Number Doesn't Exist
Password has been Updated Successfully.
Verification Code Not Verified.
Please enter Verification Code
Mobile No. Without Country Code i.e546536051

Enter One Time Password
One Time Password (Verification Code) has been sent to your mobile,please enter the same here to login.

Incorrect Verification code, Please Verify Again.
Forgot Password
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OTP is expired.

OTP will be expired after 10 minutes.

Incorrect Verification code, Please Verify Again.
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Verify Verification Code

Password doesn't Match.
Password should be more then 6 character.
Required fields cannot be empty
Reset Password

Incorrect Verification Code, Please Verify Again.
Please Enter Valid Mobile.
Mobile Number Already Exist.
Required fields cannot be empty
Please Enter Valid Mobile Number
Please Enter Valid Verification Code